Northern Health & Social Care Trust
The course has given me a useful working knowledge in communicating with disabled children.
The tutor made it very easy to follow and understand
Grant made it easy to learn and understand and fun to learn
Being able to put together sentences was great after just two days
The whole course was great
I enjoyed the games and interactions
Grant was very good: Very clear presentation. He spoke well and was a good teacher
The two day course has been very beneficial for me and my work
Fantastic course and the trainer very interesting
Very well presented and easy to follow, enjoyable and interesting
Well put across and kept alert by different techniques
Course very good and informal allowing for open discussion
Excellent course
Brilliant materials used. Great variety of methods used – games, guessing
Very entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable
I thoroughly enjoyed this training
Trainer was excellent with a good sense of humour
Enjoyable as well as a great learning experience
Northern Health & Social Care Trust Makaton Training