North West London Local Mencap Consortium
I am writing this testimony for Grant Wetherall, from whom I recently received a two day Makaton Training Course. I very much enjoyed this training; I know I speak for others who attended, that they also found it enjoyable and fulfilling.
I believe the trainer, over those two days (Grant), was extremely knowledgeable about the subject and his delivery style helped those attending to engage, learn, practice, make mistakes and importantly be confident in their own skills with implementing a new language.
The training materials and course content were appropriate for those attending and the use of humour, throughout the two days, helped engage those who would not usually have the confidence to do so. Post the training, there has been a vast improvement in the self-efficacy of those members of staff who attended; the skills have been used in the community and as a result, the team / project feel more skilled in communicating, which is a large aspect of our jobs.
Without hesitation I would recommend this training; the booking process was seamless, the trainer arrived on time and ready to deliver; the days were long but allowed flexibility to consider the needs of our team (who themselves are living with long-term conditions).
Overall, I would say this was an excellent two days of training, which was delivered by an excellent skilled, knowledgeable and proficient trainer.
23rd February 2016
David Watts
Team Manager
North West London Local Mencap Consortium